Information Security Policy

  • To protect DowAksa information assets against all kinds of threats that may occur from inside and/or outside, intentionally or unintentionally, to ensure accessibility to information as required by business processes, to meet legal and regulatory requirements, to work towards continuous improvement, and to ensure the continuity of the three basic elements of the effective Information Security Management System (ISMS) in all activities carried out;
  • • Confidentiality: Preventing unauthorized access to sensitive information,
  • • Integrity: Demonstrating that the accuracy and integrity of information is ensured,
  • • Accessibility: Demonstrating that authorized persons can access information when necessary
  • DowAksa is committed; To take care of the security of not only the data kept electronically, but also all data in written, printed, verbal and similar media, To raise awareness by providing Information Security Management trainings to all personnel, Reporting all actual or suspicious vulnerabilities in Information Security to the ISMS Team and ensuring that they are investigated by the team,
  • Prepare, maintain and test business continuity plans, To identify existing risks by making periodic assessments on Information Security; to review and follow up action plans as a result of the assessments, Preventing any disputes and conflicts of interest that may arise from contracts. Meeting business requirements for information accessibility and information systems,
  • To carry out competitive but quality-compromising work with innovative thinking by following the innovations in the IT sector, To offer high quality, affordable products to the market with high quality elements that will ensure customer satisfaction at the highest level, To ensure that the products we put on the market fully comply with all national and international requirements,
  • Working in accordance with national and international requirements, To ensure the effective implementation of the ISMS system at all stages and to carry out the necessary training activities to raise the awareness of ISMS of all employees in our organization, To providing the necessary resources for the effective implementation and continuous improvement of our risk-based quality system.
  • CEO